I would really appreciate it if you would write me back and give me some answers. Every time I talk to my dad, I feel like I’m lying to him and keeping something from him that he should know. Vicki, I can’t concentrate at all this semester because this has me stressed out. Do you think I should ask my brother and sister if they know anything? Should I demand answers from my mother? Should I tell her to stop cheating on my dad? What about this man, should I confront him? I know where he lives and what unit he is in. The day I discovered my mom was cheating on my dad, they were both spending the night with friends. I’m afraid to ask them if they know anything about this affair. I have a teenage sister and brother who still live at home. I’m supposed to just let her carry on an affair with another man? How in the 'H' can she say it’s none of my business? It is my business because she is my mother and married to my father who is deployed.